Operation Deep Blue Legacy” is a three-part documentary series that dives into a bold mission intertwined with themes of historical significance and environmental conservation. Over four weeks, a dedicated team of six divers, supported by a coalition of organizations, embarks on a journey to reclaim two World War II shipwrecks from deadly ghost nets. This mission not only aims to clean these historical artifacts but also to revive the marine life thriving around them, underscoring the enduring legacy we inherit and the one we must foster for future generations.
The Three-Part Documentary Series
#1 Operation Deep Blue Legacy: The Legacy Begins
Introducing the mission, the team, and the challenge of removing ghost nets from historical shipwrecks.
Duration: 18 min.
#2 Legacy Unearthed: Echoes of the Deep
Diving deeper into the history of the Lupo and the Veloce shipwrecks, exploring the legacy of the Battle of the Convoys.
#3 Legacy Preserved: Guardians of the Blue
Highlighting the environmental impact of the mission and the importance of protecting biodiversity in the Gulf of Gabes.
Marine Conservation and Ghost Net Removal
Ghost nets are one of the deadliest forms of marine litter. Watch as we remove these nets and give marine life a chance to thrive again.
Historical Conservation and the Battle of the Convoys
Discover the stories of World War II shipwrecks, where battles were fought and lives were lost. These sunken ships hold historical significance, acting as war graves and historical monuments.
Shipwrecks as Artificial Reefs Protecting Biodiversity
Once cleared of ghost nets, shipwrecks become oases of biodiversity, providing habitats for marine species, helping to rebuild fragile ecosystems
The Importance of the Gulf of Gabes
A rare biodiversity hotspot in the Mediterranean, the Gulf of Gabes is home to endangered species and crucial marine ecosystems. Learn why it’s vital to protect this unique region
The Healthy Seas Foundation
Marine Conservation Foundation
Global Foundation dedicated to safeguarding the world's oceans and seas through three key pillars: cleanup, education, and prevention of marine litter. Our primary mission is to tackle the problem of marine debris, with a particular emphasis on fishing nets, to promote healthier aquatic ecosystems.
Asset Managers
DWS Group (DWS) aspires to be one of the world's leading asset managers. Building on more than 60 years of experience, it has a reputation for excellence in Germany, Europe, the Americas and Asia. DWS is recognized by clients globally as a trusted source for integrated investment solutions, stability and innovation across a full spectrum of investment disciplines.
Ghost Diving
Diving Organization
Ghost Diving is a registered charity founded in 2012 by technical divers specialized in the removal of lost fishing gear and other marine debris. Ghost Diving is the largest and most experienced global diving organization specialized in the “ghost fishing” phenomenon.
Submerged Sites Documentation
SDSS is an international no profit organization founded in 1999 and based in Italy. Their mission is the study, research, enhancement, dissemination and protection of the historical, cultural, biological and environmental submerged heritage.
Further content from the mission
Our Recorded Live Video from the Mission
Meet the team, hear how the mission is going and discover some of the behind the scenes of this operation in high seas.
Life on Board Short Video
We bring you behind the scenes of the operation and with the team in high seas to experience life on board.
Project Management On Board
Meet Ben Oortwijn, project manager of Healthy Seas on the operation that talks about some of the challenges of a mission like this.
“It’s all worth it. These dives aren’t just about exploring untouched wrecks and revealing their history. They are about protecting the ocean.“ - Ben Oortwijn
The Graphic Novel
Inspired by the mission, the team of the Healthy Seas Foundation worked with an Italian graphic illustrator on a graphic novel in the making to bring this story to life in a new medium.
Stay tuned for updates!