Our partner DWS has been supporting us since 2020 in a variety of ways. Besides the annual donations in lieu of Christmas gifts, through its employees and substantive CSR programme they are helping us hands-on to educate and raise awareness about Healthy Seas and marine pollution caused by lost fishing gear.

We are very proud of this collaboration that not only helps us in accomplishing our education mission but multiplies our impact through the cultivation of true ambassadors for the seas and oceans.

In the last few months, the “Surface Support Squad” has been active in Germany and the UK:

  • After two activities in Denmark and Croatia in the summer of 2021, this year Olaf Hils repeated his awareness raising sailing trip in the south of France talking to locals and sailors about Healthy Seas
  • On September 15th and 16th, Uli Hähner and Leon Vosse led two school programmes at Westerholt secondary school and at the Lower Saxony boarding school (NIGE) in Esens. They were joined by volunteers from the Ghost Diving Germany team that displayed their equipment and our own volunteer Angeliki Karampourouni who was on the virtual reality experience.
  • Andrea Kilby organised an enjoyable day for students and teachers at the Henry Cavendish School in London on October 10th.
  • On October 22nd, a harbour cleanup at Frankfurt Westhafen which was followed by a presentation about our work was organised by Annette Büchner and Olaf Hils in cooperation with the sailing and boating school “Segel-Center-Frankfurt”.

In total, DWS Ambassadors have implemented seven activities in 2022. You can read more here.

In 2022, DWS employees in the USA were also trained by our team to join the “Surface Support Squad”. In 2023, their APAC colleagues will be joining the trainings and the Squad. We look forward to working with them in the new year!