This year on September 18th, 50 million people across the globe joined World Cleanup Day. Organisations from more than 180 countries signed up for this year’s event, making it the largest coordinated cleanup effort in the world.

Healthy Seas is proud to have supported four cleanup activities in the Netherlands and Croatia.

More than 30 participants were welcomed at the renovated Beach Stadium on behalf of We Are Nature, Grondstofjutters, TrashUre Hunt, SEA Life, Healthy Seas and the Municipality of The Hague/Scheveningen. Healthy Seas was represented by our very own Board Secretary and founder of Star Sock, Eric Roosen.

The beach was cleared of 26 kgs of litter, mainly plastic, using special jute bags and grabbers. The waste will be used in Trash & Art workshops where children and adults create art together.

Ghost Diving in the Netherlands dived at the S.S. Trevier, removing another 150 kgs of trawlers from the North Sea wreck that is so heavily polluted with nets and other fishing gear it’s been the volunteer divers’ focus since 2013! Joining the team on board were journalists from the Dutch TV station Omroep West that covered the story for national audiences.

Wrakduikteam Zeester dived at the V1106 Ernst von Briesen, a German outpost boat sanken in 1943 by a British airplane. The 11 volunteer divers recovered a 150 kg bundle of various trawlers that probably were lost a long long time ago.

Ghost Diving Adriatic was also at it again cleaning up 200 meters of long lines, 100 meter of trawlers and 5 cages. Divers also spotted an area where not 1 or 2 but 30 cages were lost. They will plan another mission to retrieve those too!

Thank you to all the volunteers that are part of this movement to protect our Planet.