A warm welcome to Koraloha, the latest environmentally conscious company to join us in order to support our environmental activities!

The brand’s name comes from the words “Koral” and “Aloha”. Koral represents corals, which are unique creatures that come in different shapes, colors, and sizes, just like us humans – and each is beautiful in its way, while aloha is a greeting representing love, sympathy, and kindness – the driving forces that keep us aware of our environment. With the combination of these two words, Koraloha wants the world to stop harming the environment and develop a healthy and happy relationship with nature.

“Everything that is done at Koraloha is done with the overall goal of helping the planet from supporting the regeneration of ghost nets and plastic waste into stylish garments and to giving a voice to the voiceless. The company is determined to make a difference and is doing so by donating to Healthy Seas. The people of this planet have allowed the corals and marine wildlife of the oceans to suffer for far too long and this needs to change now.“~ Andrea Gautschi – Founder & CEO

Koraloha is passionate about the environment, and it wants to help the planet now, and establish a basis from which the environment can rebuild and prosper in the future. This is a problem that everyone is a part of, and if we want to stop the suffering of the beautiful wildlife of this planet, then we all need to make a change in our lives now.

To browse through their sustainable collection made with ECONYL® regenerated nylon, please visit https://koraloha.com/

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